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What is L.O.V.E. ?

Everyone has a different definition for „love“ and what it means to them.  So I’ll try an easier task and rather explain you what the acronym “L.O.V.E.” stands for. In short: it’s showing love to our planet.  In the first articles of my blog I have teased it already, but now i will explain all the letters - so here we go, it’s quite simple: LOCAL - ORGANIC - VEGAN - ECOLOGICAL It is a concept and guideline to make the blurry and clunky word “sustainability” more tangible. And yes, it is my personal, subjective understanding and I won’t quote scientific articles or other sources why this is the best definition of sustainability and ecology. It’s simply what worked best for me personally all the last years since I got into the topic of sustainable living and i hope it will help you as well. It may help you in your everyday living to make the right decisions towards a greener and more sustainable future. You are able to apply it to many situations in your ev...

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